Deniz Carikci

Head of Engineering department

Deniz has been on-board with Schaltkulisse since 2015 and was the first full-time employee of the company. As he often puts it, he still remembers Kevin with moving boxes under one hand and a french bulldog under the other. His first words were „car“ and not „mum“ and therefore he knew since the beginning that he needed to work with cars. After a few years as an asset manager at Ferrari Financial Services, he joined us as a sales manager for 6 years before overseeing our newly built state-of-the-art workshop.

Today, he represents a perfect fit for his role as the head of workshop, given his dynamic and extrovergeant personality and his love for technical stuff and attention to details. As part of his daily responsibilities, he advises customers wishing to entrust our Engineering department with their cars, and scouts for business and partnership opportunities with big names oft he industry.

When he’s not getting his hands dirty modifying his pride and joy, a Porsche 911 993 Carrera in green, he is either enjoying it on mountain passes or playing football with the local team.


The Team Behind Schaltkulisse


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